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NEW RELEASE: Cyderes Publishes DARC4 Labs Threat Landscape 2024 Report - Download

Professional Services


Following best practices and vertical industry regulations, Cyderes works alongside our clients to solve problems, automate remediations, and proactively guard against all attacks and bad actors.


With our deep understanding of cybersecurity and tight collaboration across all Cyderes’ internal practices, Cyderes approaches issues from a technology-agnostic viewpoint to provide a quick and valuable ROI on our client’s time and investment. Cyderes SIEM and SOAR will also dive into current processes, such as EPDs and runbooks, and map out workflows to automate many of those processes. This saves valuable time not only sifting through the noise but also possible remediation of alerts and attacks without lifting a finger.

SIEM & SOAR Solutions

Assessment & Current-State Analysis

Cyderes experts begin by understanding the customer’s current SIEM/SOAR deployment and its objectives.

We will evaluate SIEM/SOAR architecture, configurations, policies, as well as identify pain points, gaps, and areas requiring improvement.

Data Source, Rule, and Alert Refinement

Cyderes will review and optimize existing data feeds and alerting rules for accuracy and relevance.

We will create custom correlation rules to detect specific threat and attack patterns and fine-tune alert thresholds to reduce false positives.

User Training and Documentation

Once the new SIEM/SOAR solution is implemented, Cyderes can train the client’s security team on SIEM/SOAR best practices, alert investigation, and response procedures.

Then, we will provide standard operating procedures for ongoing system maintenance. 

Key Benefits

Cyderes takes a tailored, collaborative approach to laying out and executing a plan for moving client environments towards a gapless, highly mature security footprint.


We have a strong, cohesive team with hands-on experience in SIEM and SOAR design, development, implementation, and administration.

Focus on Customer Success and Innovation

Security operations are a collaborative effort – the Cyderes SIEM and SOAR team integrates with your team, collaborating to provide outstanding levels of service and results.

Tailored to Your Needs

We tailor our offering to what brings our customers the most value from an industry vertical and environment-specific point of view.

Ability to Work with Various Technologies

We are technology agnostic and have the skills across multiple platforms to back that up.