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Fight-Back Mode: Navigating Threat Intelligence Challenges

Discover the challenges and opportunities of implementing threat intelligence in cybersecurity.

In the intricate world of cybersecurity, businesses often find themselves grappling with looming threats and the overwhelming deluge of threat intelligence solutions. A recent RANT Community roundtable, hosted by Cyderes and Google Chronicle aboard HMS Belfast in London, brought together seasoned security leaders to dissect the challenges and opportunities surrounding the implementation of threat intelligence, examining the topic - 'Fight-Back Mode: How to Use Threat Intelligence to Turn Defense Into Attack.'


The Essence of Context

Rory Shannon, Cyderes' VP of Engineering, set the stage by emphasizing the importance of contextualizing threat intelligence, "There's plenty of organizations that can do external threat research," he noted. "Where the value really comes in is in then contextualizing that intelligence to make it relevant for your business."

This sentiment resonated with Darren Swift from Google, who raised the critical question: "How much threat intelligence is actually useful?" Swift underscored the prevalent issue of generalized threat intel inundating businesses without meaningful context. He urged businesses to focus on understanding vulnerabilities specific to their operations rather than getting lost in generalized noise.


Drowning in a Sea of Information

The discussion at the roundtable revealed a common struggle – businesses drown in a sea of irrelevant and often useless information. The challenge extends beyond the multitude of vendors; it's about honing in on the imminent risks and avoiding distraction from the noise.

An attendee lamented, "You're kind of flip-flopping between tools because they offer you everything. It's just a juggernaut of information, and they don't have the expertise to tailor it to your organization."


Knowing Your Environment

A significant hurdle emerged – the onus on the customer to know their environment thoroughly. As one attendee pointed out, organizations often spend significant time reviewing potential threats only to discover that certain systems aren't even affected. The complexity is magnified for organizations like the NHS, which deal with legacy systems and the frequent turnover of IT personnel. This challenge extends beyond threat intelligence to encompass broader security concerns.


Lack of Standards and the Cowboy Conundrum

The lack of measurable standards for threat intelligence providers raised concerns. One CISO voiced apprehension, stating, "There's a lot of companies going, 'Yeah, we're threat intelligence,' and I'm like, 'What? You read The Register and give me a digest of that on a daily basis, and you call that threat intelligence?' There's a lot of cowboys coming into this."


Defining Intelligence in Threat Intelligence

The conversation delved into the essence of intelligence. It's not merely information; it's actionable insights. "If you can't do anything with it, it's only information," stressed one security leader. When truly intelligent, threat intelligence equips businesses to spar with adversaries before an attack, understanding their tools and tactics.


The Real Benefit of Threat Intelligence

The roundtable acknowledged the profound defensive difference threat intelligence can make amid the challenges. It's not a quick fix or a miracle cure, but a strategic understanding of adversaries and a proactive defense against potential threats.

In the words of a seasoned security leader, "You get to understand your adversaries. You're already sparring before an attack. I think that's where the real benefit comes in because you find out that information."

In conclusion, the journey with threat intelligence may be intricate, but with thoughtful implementation and a keen understanding of its nuances, businesses can navigate the cybersecurity maze effectively. There's no silver bullet, but there is intelligence, which makes all the difference.



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